My search for information on Machu Picchu quickly became a search for Angkor Wat. I encourage researching the topic for those of you who do not know what Angkor Wat is or the history of it. This ancient site would best be summed up as a temple complex hidden by the jungles of Cambodia for who knows how many years. Although hidden it was not completely abandoned and the moat around this architectural masterpiece kept it from being completely overtaken by the jungle. This quote, by French explorer Henri Mouhot, is worth mentioning as it was the first time it was popularized/recognized by western civilization.
"One of these temples—a rival to that of Solomon, and erected by some ancient Michelangelo—might take an honourable place beside our most beautiful buildings. It is grander than anything left to us by Greece or Rome, and presents a sad contrast to the state of barbarism in which the nation is now plunged."
Perhaps not grander than every Greek or Roman structure. Close, but not quite.
This search in turn led to another search. Megaliths. I found your general hyper-advanced ancient technology/Atlantis theories at first. However, among these I did find something noteworthy. Apparently there is a pillar in Delhi, India constructed of iron around the 5th century CE or as early as 912 BCE depending on which "authority" you choose to believe.
Do not worry, I'm not about to go on a huge "Pyramids were created by aliens or at least influenced by them." rant. I do not believe this to be true. The ancients did have amazing stone and metal working skills, this much is true. However, aliens seem a bit far-fetched. Not that they do or do not exist or have or have not been to this planet. I just believe there would be other signs besides the apparent livestock mutilations (theory of ET causes have been debunked by the way), hypnosis therapy sessions (humans are crooked and can suggest something occurred to guarantee a repeat customer) and ramblings of countless other inept sources.
I just feel as if the ancients had problems much unlike our own. For one our survival is assured and we have more resources on which to draw from. They had what they could find in their region as travel was slow and treacherous. Conflict is the mother of all invention and intuition. If one has a problem that endangers themselves they must adapt and invent in order to conquer it. It's one of the absolute truths I have found in the world.
I think I will take a page out of JW's book and break this into multiple blogs. Hopefully they will be a bit more frequent. Working 50+ hours per week for barely over minimum wage takes a lot out of me both psychologically and physically. Until next time. I hope you, the reader, enjoyed this post and ran a quick google search if nothing else to find more information on the places, objects I listed above.
Yay, a multi-post topic. As into history, building and everything else this post represents, as I am, this is a must read. I look forward to the future of this one.
And I'm glad I could inspire you, if even a little.
Thank you. As I stated however, long hours of work plus being stressed much of the time will postpone the next section for a little while.
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